Services We Offer

We offer a variety of fitness services. See which one fits your lifestyle the best!

 “Be U offers an original, unique training program that consists of HITT, strength training, and more. I am committed to holding you accountable while encouraging you throughout this sometimes frustrating yet rewarding journey.”

Meet Ashley, Owner of Be U Fitness

Hello, Be U family!

I am Ashley Johnson, a fitness guru and personal trainer from El Dorado, Arkansas. My fitness journey started after a long battle with depression and after reaching 300 lbs. Desperate to overcome all the obstacles I was facing,I found fitness as a way to do that while creating a new “normal” for my life. I am extremely dedicated and hardworking.

I know in the Black community it's hard for people to admit they are depressed due to not feeling as though they have support or feeling like they won’t be taken seriously. My focus is helping and encouraging people to be the best version of themselves. I haven't worked out all my life nor am I an all-around athlete. I am just a regular person looking to inspire and help others. I'm not a supermodel trainer and that's what I love. I want to encourage people just by Be-Utifully being myself.

Be U Transformations

I am very passionate about my clients experiencing actual transformation. Take a look at the progress of some of the Be U family.

Our Reviews

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